Do you know there are few individuals out there who seem not to see or experience their desired manifestation whenever they perform rituals or apply spiritual formulas to their lives? Rev. Prince Yeboah helps in breaking down some of the spiritual formulas to the lowest level for everyone to be able to digest when it comes to spiritual matters.
The colour of the attire or dress you are wearing, which of
the poles you are facing, are you supposed to be barefooted or not; are some of
the few steps to consider if you happen to be one of those. The colour white
for instance is able to protect us against some negative energies we come into
contact with
Going through some of the spiritual exercises or formulas when you are guided by a spiritually inclined person is one of the best ways to get out of some predicaments in life especially in consultation with the right source.
The ayahuasca plant also
known a “Vine of the Spirits” is part of the hallucinogenic plants used for medicinal,
spiritual, and cultural or ritual purposes.
Don't take Rev's teaching for granted. You must use the formulas with good heart. The Creator will bring you the answer.