Prayer holds a central role and plays an integral part in spirituality since it is a deep practice that fosters connection with the divinity providing a sense of inner peace healing but that is not all. Formulas need to be applied to make prayer more effective.
The big question is; “Do we always get solution to our
problems through prayers only?” To get to the results we are looking for, there
are principles guiding us when it comes to prayer. Apply the natural universe
laws in addition to prayer to get the long lasting results.
The most powerful plants are called bush because they are far
away in the bush in order to prevent disturbances but are so powerful in that
we can zoom in on anything they are applied to work on for positive results.
Prayer is an essential aspect of spirituality but prayer must have direction, it must be guided by a leader to direct where and how the prayer should go aligning with higher spiritual principles for the solutions we seek for.