Fighting an unknown battle is like throwing punches in the air; not targeting the enemy, curses, evil spells or the bad energies fighting against relentlessly. But the fact is that we are not left at the mercies of these evil; the creator through the universe has given us remedy for every challenges we are facing through formulas.
We need to get to the right source. Rev. Prince Yeboah from Healing Hands Hut who is well vexed in spiritually is one of such dedicated men in our time talks about the physical and spiritual benefit we can derive from the ginger, negro pepper (whentia) and black pepper (esoro wisa).
Physically one of the effective uses of ginger is to aid in indigestion.
Chew ginger if you a late eater due to something beyond your control and see
how the food will digest in time. But remember that using some of the above
mentioned natural product especially ginger should not be on an empty stomach
but after eating to prevent some side effect like getting stomach ulcer.
Ginger is not only used raw with food and other spices but
spiritually ginger in a powder form can be used to ward off evil energies
especially when living closely with someone who easily casts spell, inviting
evil entities into our abode.