Positive thoughts lead to the path of well-being and
improvement in life in general whiles the thoughts of negativity bring about
anxiety, confusion, increase in the level of stress leading to physical
ailments. This is due to the fact that our
thoughts have deep impact on us and can have influence on our behaviours
including our emotions and our views in life.
We are to keep a positive mindset since we are what we think
and the kind of thoughts we entertain can have a reflection on what happens to
us since our mentality can influence the kind of life things we experience and
how we relate with the world we find ourselves in.
Keeping a positive thought on a daily basis becomes necessary
because we sometimes think aloud as humans and when that happens unconsciously
with the presence of these evil entities, their attendance will be drawn to us
giving them the chance to work against us due to negative utterances we make.
With the immense power that the tongue holds, being mindful
of the kind of words and where we utter them is crucial since the entities we
deal with are more of spirituality than what meet the physical eyes. Words can
make or unmake us and our lives and the lives of others can be controlled by
what we say and the kind of energy present or at work at the time.