Money doesn’t just disappear into thin air but this from the spiritual point of view happens when some enchantments or rituals aim to rob us of our blessings from our labour are perform through charms and spells causing us to lose the money spiritually for the effect to be felt in really.
Disappearance of money occasionally from home, a safe in our
shops or business space may sometimes be overlooked but this can be worrisome
when this loss appears to be mysterious. Money disappearing secretly from our scoffers
could be a sign of the presence of negative energy in our vicinity and this
calls for cleansing by way of spiritual practices to deal with it.
Since this happens in the spiritual realm hidden from the physical eyes, the solution to this issue is to arrest these spiritual wicked intruders the natural way through spiritual formulas with plants and herbs.
One of such plants that has the potency to arrest, expose and
render powerless the effect of these evil money spells cast to bring about
spiritual financial loses manifesting in our finances physically, is the comfrey