The spiritual symbolism of water bodies with Rev. Prince Yeboah

Signifying the flow of life, a water body is often viewed a reflection of a pathway into the supernatural or the spiritual realm through which we journey into the different phases of our being.  River bodies represent a whole empire or a nation in the spiritual realm and that is why we sometimes receive messages or instructions from those who are able to trek those paths since they serve as a link between certain rivers in particular vicinity.

Water bodies form part of nature and they have been in existence long before we all became a living being but the way we relate with nature as humans and our attitude towards the Creator through the universe plays a vital role in our quest to achieving lasting solutions in the natural way.

Sometimes we should give reverence to nature by observing the laid down rules and regulations like keeping our environments and the river bodies clean, not visiting streams and rivers on particular days. This is to prevent spiritual casualties since getting indulged in spiritual things from a physical point of view may have negative repercussions on those with less knowledge in spirituality.

In the level of spirituality, the endless movement of water represents the constantly changing nature of life and the water which flows through our physical body is in connection with nature in the form of streams, rivers and oceans. Nature is not our enemy since the solutions to life challenges lies within nature itself.

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