Unveiling the spiritual significance of plantain leaves with Rev. Prince Yeboah

Living closer to where there is abundance of plantain can help open some spiritual portals for such people who are in pursuance of good fortunes or those desiring to achieve positivity in life. Getting access to plantain is a like a groundbreaker clearing all spiritual blockage from the path to make way for even what seems impossible to become a reality.

Standing on plantain leave to perform spiritual bath is a plus when it comes to spirituality because the plantain leaf itself serves as a spiritual scanner; diagnosing clearing all negativities from our beings. Some people prefer this practice of taking their normal bath religiously standing on plantain leaves especially in the rural areas with the aim of preventing dirt that forms with sprinkle water from getting to our feet.

This bring us to the importance of dealing with or staying natural; for this harmless but power approach means a lot in the spiritual practices since we receive a boost in spiritual dimension with bathing with the plantain leaves since this continuous spiritual scanning by plantain leaves anytime we bath relieves us from negativities opening doors for more abundance and success.

When our attention is shifted from the physical things and focused more on spirituality, the rate at which things happen in this material world also changes since the spiritual world is believed to dominate the physical dimension. This happens when you are able to attain more in the spiritual realm without showing signs of weakness in the physical.

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