Life consists not only of the physical but has to do with
the spiritual as well since the spiritual world is seen as the center of
reality and is considered to have the power to rule over or determine what goes
on in this material world. What happens on this physical realm is a reflection
of what is taking place in the spiritual because the latter is the driving
force behind the former.
What is fighting with us spiritually will manifest in this
our mortal being and this makes it important to use a dual approach in dealing
with the challenges we face; it should not one sided only since life is not
about the physical only.
These hidden forces from the dark world working against us spiritually
are sometimes the cause of negativities in the likes of spiritual stagnation, experiencing
failures at the end of expected breakthroughs and also the toll that
generational curse from our bloodline have on our lives.
We may encounter some of these setbacks in our desire to
seek for favour, prosperity, abundance and even with the desire in seeking for
fruits in our marriages. Evil entities
can be directly or indirectly involved when there is a doorway or when negative
energy have influence over those related or closed to us.