Maintaining secrecy on personal issues or on the things we cherish most is a key in winning over evil since a couple of the people we thrust and confide in most are like sheep in wolf’s clothes. They could either be used by negative entities or be agents of evil themselves and therefore cannot be trusted.
If there is anything called enemy, then the people closer to
us most turns to be the greatest because of the advantages they have over us
more than others since they know our weaknesses and can use them against us.
They are the channel through which evil entities get to us since they are the people we trust most and reveal our utmost secretes to leading to evil attacks in both realms.
Why don’t you complete your projects or ideas before sharing
them with others? Fake smile can be used to hid evil intentions like anger, envy
or hatred with the intention of deceiving others so do not be deceived with fake
smile because they do not shoe traces of evil.