Effect of food allergies on our spiritual life – Rev. Prince Yeboah

What we put in our bodies or consume in the form of food has spiritual repercussions on our physical and spiritual lives in that our chakras will be remain balanced if we are able to avoid the allergies our chakras have. These allergies which are found with the food we eat may drain our chakras creating an imbalance and prevent us from to connecting to divinity.

The happenings in this material world may seem so real or tangible to us living in the physical realm but they are a reflection of actions from the spiritual dimensions. Surprisingly, as the food service industries are expanding leading to the opening of a number of food joints by these caterers in food processing so do evil caterers and evil food joint are operating with evil intentions. 

Being fed by these evil food joints and caterers will get us exposed, opening doors to these negativities to afflict us. This means we need to be mindful not only on the things of the flesh or of the material world but also the spiritual since we need to balance the two; the two cannot be separated.

Food no matter the form is what every living thing needs to maintain life and growth hence the idea of more people venturing into the catering business becoming a means to amass wealth but we need to be careful with this soaring number of food joints since some of them may a questionable source.

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