Often serving as consecrated or sacred places for
reflection, healing and one of the connection points to divine; water bodies
which consist of rivers, oceans, lakes, deep and spring waters hold deep
spiritual meanings but water itself is a symbol of life representing renewal,
purification and transformation.
A water body irrespective of the size we envisage in our
physical world represents a whole nation or state in the spiritual realm and is
a symbol of cleansing and purification since water is associated with the act
of washing things that are impure both spiritually and physical away.
Immersion in or washing with water from sacred rivers or springs is believed to remove spiritual blockages and negativity since there are angels beings are also said to be positioned in water bodies with the aim of purifying the water for divine purposes.
There are many fairytales or myths we hear about water
bodies; like invoking of curse and spells, being threaten with dead or
calamities by river spirits just to mention a few but there is this belief that
water or river bodies themselves do not turn
to work against us but these harms are done by evil entities.