Plants and herbs possess ability to ward off negative
energies, calm our nerves, and provide protection and even connecting us to our
higher being. One of such is the hops plant and with a nerve calming ability to
deal with insomnia related hallucinations; sharping our intuition and improving
our retentive memory leading to active dream state when we have it in our
Nature has a way in giving us clues and warnings about an impending danger through the natural things we have in our abode and even by the signs given to us by animals. By following these leads or hints by nature may help in preventing disasters or even pandemic from mounting up.
The presence of some plants like the hops alone create a
platform or an avenue through which important messages may be related to us
humans through animals. People with
higher intuitions are able to receive clues that are hidden from the physical
eyes and are able to prevent calamities in the immediate future.