Spiritual direction is needed when one is yearning for a
deeper relationship with the Creator as well as nature. This is also resorted
to when one is seeking for solution when dealing with challenges like ailments,
financial difficulties, continues disappointments and setbacks which defy all physical
Depending on the frequent and the intensive nature of what
we seek for, spiritual directions deal with application of formulas to help us
get out of predicaments or negative situations we find ourselves in. It is it
meant to deal with spiritual attacks and also to ward off the activities of negativities
hovering over our lives.
Through spiritual practices or spiritual directions, we are
able to align ourselves to divinity and enhancing our connectivity with the positive
energies in the activation of protection, prosperity, abundance and general
well-being both physically and spiritually.
However, we should be mindful of the two sides of theses spiritual
directions since one of such formulas comes with string attached. The one with
conditions attached may come with dire consequences which may be linked to generational
curses for the generation unborn to deal with.