As human some negativity gets attached to us due to the way
we unconsciously treat nature in our own way. Some people, by their own actions
like urinating, defecating and dumping of garbage into streams and rivers far and
near their abode may draw negativities to their lives.
We may experience series of negativity when our energy field
is invaded by negative energy or when evil energies become attached to our weak
magnetic energy field. Some of these negative effects could lead to failures
and setbacks, encounter of spiritual attacks and attacks in our dream in the
form of having sex or even eating in the dream.
One of such unhealthy experiences you may encounter
persistently through your unguided actions is having an evil spiritual entity
sleeping with you in your dream. This is
not the only way for one to get a spiritual wife or husband but remember the water
bodies or river bodies that we see with our physical eyes and treat anyhow represent
a whole realm or a nation.
These realms are made up of both good and evil entities
leading to a lot of activities taking place in these realms and we all know how
these evil entities exact their wrath on us mortals when we open doors for them
even when our actions are done through ignorance.